Saturday, March 7, 2009

Trouble in Yei, Sudan

Please pray for a situation that has recently come about in Yei, South Sudan. Pray specifically for Pastor Stanley LoNathan, his family, the children and staff at New Generation Dreamland and New Generation School, the entire congregation of New Generation Church, and for the family of faith and people of Yei, Sudan in general. Please pray for another missionary we know well in Yei also, Michele Perry and the staff and orphans at Iris Ministries Sudan.

Below is a message that I received today from Pastor Stanley; a contingent of LRA rebels (Lord's Resistance Army) have made their way from the Congo to Yei, Sudan. The LRA are an evil, wicked, merciless group of soldiers that have terrorized northern Uganda for close to 20 years. If you've ever heard the story of the Invisible Children, the thousands of children that had to move at night from village to village throughout north Uganda to avoid being abducted... the LRA was the group behind that crisis. About two years ago Joseph Cony and his troops fled Uganda and went into hiding in the Congo; recently a coalition force of Congolese, SPLA, and UDF troops have sought to rout them out of the jungle so they've been on the move and causing trouble along the way.

According to this BBC report, the trouble in Yei started this past Tuesday:

Here's a BBC report that provides an insider's look at the marks a raid like this leaves behind:

Based on Stanley's news below, it looks like the trouble is increasing. Pray for divine protection for both people and property in Yei, and pray that the SPLA find and arrest/capture the LRA soldiers.

Thank you for taking this to heart and for enlisting the prayer support of others.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stanley LoNathan
Sent: Sat 3/7/2009 2:46 AM
To: Onochie "Uche" Izuora; Stefan Radelich
Subject: It Well,

Dear Freinds,
Last night we experiences a security challenge in Yei specifically around the New Generation Dreamland. Some elements of the Ugandan LRA rebels who were scattered in Congo appeared around the villages close to the Dreamland. Four people were killed and much food looted. Most of the people around the Dreamland moved to the Freedom Square in town and spent the night there. Soldiers were deployed immediately to the area and for the safety of the children the soldiers asked us to move the kids to another place for just that night just incase anything happens. All the children spent the night at Jimmy's home, one of our workers. As I am writing you now there is so much confusion and fear gripping the town. We are assessing the situation and will touch base with you again. Please pray for the safety of the kids,and pray that the culprits will be captured as they are being pursued by the army.
God bless,

Here's a photo of Stanley LoNathan and his two children

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